Employment News
Employment News of India & Employment Resources
Often our resume has the information on what we did. It's like reading something without any meaning. Tweak your re…
Your profile should match the job requirements and you need to map your story based on the job requirement, this will m…
Space in your resume is very important we advise to leave your personal stuff out as the area may be used to fill in wi…
A management resume flow. It's become a global standard and if you want to stand out read our previous articles whi…
Match your skills with Job details. This is what will win you interview calls, also based on Job details you would need…
Always pull words from Job Description to match the same in your profile. If you have coordinate in Job Description the…
Be reachable and contactable because that's how you succeed. Don't use the same email address from the school d…
We are not always right. It's always better to proof read and proof read again to make sure its free of defects.…
Use your vocabulary effectively, remove words which is already been used. Provide examples and not buzz words.
Always when you write or fine tune your profile make sure you address the key selection criteria
There is a direct correlation between us and our profile. If we focus on our profile, then we will understand the simi…
Most resume bullet points start with the same words. Frankly, the same tired old words hiring managers have heard over …
The dynamic changes to the roles and responsibilities has made us to tailor our cv/profiles to meet the job description…
Covering letters are among the most important tools you can use in your job search, and they should always accompany yo…
If most of your experience is unrelated to the career, then you want to begin by summarize it briefly and accurately. W…
Writing resumes based on S ituation A ction R esults Examples....
Resume Don'ts Making your reader dig for information is a crime. Don't tell everything you've ever done, th…
Its a digital world and we all are available in Social Networking sites, so make sure all your identity matches and upd…
A influencing section in Resume would be about writing your interest and achievements. Look at some tips
Using bullet points will help to convey your achievements in a strong and precise manner. Time is the key and henc…