300 Junior Account Assistant Opening in NBPDCL / SBPDCL

(Department of General Administration)  (Reg. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna - 800 021)


Bihar State Power (Holding) Company Ltd., on behalf of its two subsidiary companies namely North  Bihar Power  Distribution  Company  Ltd.  (NBPDCL)  &  South  Bihar  Power Distribution Company Ltd (SBPDCL) invites applications from eligible candidates for appointment on the post of Junior Accounts Assistant for Head Offices and Field Offices of the respective companies as per the vacancy details given below: 

Total consolidated vacancy of both the companies:- 

Junior Accounts Assistant  - 300

Name of  Company 
NBPDCL - 150
SBPDCL - 150

Qualification & Eligibility: 

Graduate in commerce Degree from any recognised University/ Institute. 

How to Apply: 

The  applicants  are  to  apply  through  "ON-LINE"  on  the  Website  of http://www.applyfortest.com/bsphcl.aspx  or  through  the  Website  of  BSPHCL  at http://bsphcl.bih.nic.in. 

The Website will be open from  09.01.2014 to 21. 01.2014 upto 5 PM. After final filling uploading self signed scanned photograph and submitting the “ON-LINE” application; Candidates have to take a print out ofthe same. 

Print  out  of  the  application  along  with  necessary  certificates,  as  specified  in  d.  below,  shall have to be sent through registered post/ speed postto- ACE- Digital Accounting Solution, Sukhadalaya, House No.-484, New Yarpur, Gardanibagh, Road No.-1, Patna - 800001 so as to reach on or before the last date i.e. 27th JAN. 2014 upto 5:00 PM. Application received after  last  date  of  receipt,  either  due  to postage  delay  or  for  any  other  reasons,  shall  not  be considered/entertained. 

Print  out  of  the  filled  in  ON-LINE  application  form having  auto  generated  Registration number and Bank journal number must accompany one self signed Passport size Photograph snapped within last six months. 

For detailed information, click here

E&OE (errors and omissions excepted)