Punjab State Warehousing Corporation Jobs: Warehouse Manager


Punjab State Warehousing Corporation  Job Notification for  Warehouse Manager

Job Write up:

Punjab State Warehousing Corporation invites applications from eligible Indian Citizen for recruitment the requirement to be posted in any of the Districts of State of Punjab as per the details given in the important instructions. The interested eligible candidates will have to apply in the prescribed format, which is available at the website http://recruitment-cdacmohali.in

No of Position:         

Total: 13 (SC =05 (including 3 ESM* + 1 Sportsmen) / BC (ESM*) = 01 / General = 07 (including 2 ESM*)

Last Date before:     

Eligible applicants are invited to personally submit online applications on all days from 12.11.2013 to 26.11.2013 (up to 5.00 PM) in the prescribed online format at http://recruitment-cdacmohali.in

Pay Scale & Classification:

10300-34800 + 4800 grade pay.
(initial start Rs. 18250/-) (Subject to any change in Pay scale/Grade pay and S.A. by the State Govt.)

Applying Criteria


Candidates should be between 18 to 38 years as on 31.10.13. Upper age limit is relaxable to the extent of 5 years for SCs/STs/BCs and up to 10 years for physically handicapped persons. An Ex-servicemen (ESM) shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of the Union from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy according to Govt. instructions, by more than 3 years, he/she shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit. Applicants in Govt. service shall be eligible upto 45 years of age


M.Sc. (Agriculture) Ist division from any recognized University or Institution. Should have passed matriculation examination with Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subject or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language, which may be specified by the Govt. from time to time.


Information Not Provided

Job Responsibility

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Information Not Provided

Additional Notes:

Non re-fundable Exam fee: Rs. 800 (For SC Rs. 400/- and no fee for Ex servicemen). Selection will be based on written examination. The selection procedure and how to apply can be down loaded from the website http://recruitment-cdacmohali.in

Source:  http://recruitment-cdacmohali.in/pswc1113/Advertisements/PWSC1113add.pdf

E&OE (errors and omissions excepted)